Monday, August 11, 2008

Whatta W!LD day!

What a great day at the SB zoo. We saw a ton of animals and GG had a wonderful time with her two gal pals L&B. Mondays are now mommy and daughter days for us. I'm taking Mondays off work to do something cool with GG every week. Its so special to me to be able to spend quality time with her. Even more so now that I am going to be away from her for a few days a week. I'm also making a decision on day care this week- she'll be in two days a week and it makes me sad- but I love the time I've been able to spend with her these past 10 months as a "SAHM". 
The day begins....
And the day comes to an end...
What a great day for The Blah Blah Momma & Baby- life being a single mommy is great. I am blessed beyond measure for every second I am a mother to this beautiful child. Can't wait for more exciting days like this to come.