Sunday, August 31, 2008

I'm awake now....

I've been a super sleepy momma all day long and I couldn't help but fall fast asleep after GG went down at around 7pm. *sigh* and now I'm awake.

So- the computer. Its still broken. Which sucks because Paul totally fixed up my internet connection at work (I use my laptop at work) and hooked me up wirelessly to the printer (finally) and its awesome. Poor guy, it took him like 3 hours or something. And NOW I have to send my stinkin' computer to some place so they can replace the hard drive. Its just such a hassle. Plus, how the heck am I going to do stuff at work?? *sigh* I'll figure it out I suppose. Plus how the heck am I going to keep up with all my mommy friends online? I'll be so outta the loop.

Oh- so I was just on a cleaning/organizing spree in my room and its half done and I'm on my bed frightened about the little frog that somehow found himself in my room. A frog?? Yes, there is a frog in my room. It totally freaked me out and I want it out of my room now. I seriously will not under any circumstances remove myself from my bed until morning when I can make my father come in here and find that nasty thing and take it outside. A frog? Really...*sigh*

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Well, last night while I was updating my blog...something HORRIFIC happened. My computer went black and I wasn't able to turn it back on. Windows wouldn't load. While I was annoyed, I didn't think much of it and kept trying to get it to go back on. Well. It didn't. I was hysterical thinking that I had lost about 4 months of pictures I hadn't gotten around to backing up. I was sobbing. Woke up my mom and cried myself to sleep. Seems silly. I know. But I was devistated at the idea that I would lose all of these pictures.

Fast forward. This afternoon I drudged into Best Buy to see if they could fix my sick computer. Seems that I am going to be able to get all the stuff off the computer, however I'm going to have to send it in to get a new hard drive. I hate electronics sometimes. *sigh*

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Took a week off.

Well, I'd like to say I took a week off but the reality is that I've been terribly busy for a week. Alivia has been a super-teether this week and I haven't been able to put in many hours during the day- so I've been going in at night a few nights. Oh, and school started this week, too. 15 units. I don't know what possessed me to do that. Oh, yes...I have a child. Must get school finished!! LOL.

I just got done reading a blog of a friend of a friend.

Her friend lost their 9 month old son, Wyatt to Liver disease. I can't imagine. I don't even have words to be honest. I've been reading, watching...crying. Just so sad.

Just makes you realize how precious life is, and what a gift it is.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

The Veridict.

Okay. I've been a "working mom" for about two weeks now. And my verdict? I'm meant to be a SAHM (stay at home mom). I love being at home. I love seeing every-little-thing GG does and experiences. I wish I could still do that. I miss it. I miss it dearly. She is so awesome and I enjoy every moment that I do get to spend with her even more now.

But- I LOVE MY JOB. I'm excited about what God is doing at our church and I love that he has trusted me with such an amazing responsibility at our church. Let me tell you about my church for those of you that don't know much about it.

Well- its a sort of mixed crowd. If you can say that. Its not necessarily a "biker church" but, lets just say there is a lot of leather and chains. LOL. Our ministry is a ministry to the broken. We have a lot of people coming straight out of addiction and dysfunction. do you think I ended up there? LOL. Praise God. Well so that leaves me with an eclectic group of children. Its difficult. Cookie cutter shapes don't always fit our kids. One of the favorite sayings at our church is that we've always been trying to fit a square peg in a round hole and well- FORGET THAT. It just doesn't work. We've got kids coming out of a lot of experiences in short little lives. Addiction, imprisoned parents, and just plain hard times. God uses people of all shapes in my opinion. And we got all kinds of fun shapes around our parts. Its amazing how God can work in our lives to bring us all together.
But I tell ya- its a challenge when you have to be the one to figure out how exactly the programs are supposed to be run. This is how I start each day of work: I walk into my office. Set down my keys and plug in my computer. I walk into the sanctuary- get on my knees and pray. Its the only way I get any worth while work done in a day.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Little Walker

Monday, August 11, 2008

Whatta W!LD day!

What a great day at the SB zoo. We saw a ton of animals and GG had a wonderful time with her two gal pals L&B. Mondays are now mommy and daughter days for us. I'm taking Mondays off work to do something cool with GG every week. Its so special to me to be able to spend quality time with her. Even more so now that I am going to be away from her for a few days a week. I'm also making a decision on day care this week- she'll be in two days a week and it makes me sad- but I love the time I've been able to spend with her these past 10 months as a "SAHM". 
The day begins....
And the day comes to an end...
What a great day for The Blah Blah Momma & Baby- life being a single mommy is great. I am blessed beyond measure for every second I am a mother to this beautiful child. Can't wait for more exciting days like this to come.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Drum Roll............

GG has taken her first steps!!! I'm still undecided how I feel about it. She was taking 2-3 steps tonight and I'm blown away. I thought it was cool that she is doing something new- and then I thought- UHH my daughter just walked. Walked?! *sigh* she's growing up too fast. Thats for sure. She'll be 10 months on Tuesday. I know its early and its only a few steps but I just can't believe how soon she'll be doing circles around me.

Thats all for now ..The Momma is tired after a long day.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Birthday Wrap Up

Well, last night what the "Birthday Bash Wrap Up". It was such a great night. It seems like a bit much after having two full days of work and more time than I like away from GG, but it was totally worth it. Wicked is an amazing show! I didn't even know what the story line was but I've been listening to the soundtrack all week. Ah, I just loved the show. Our evening started with Sushi at Blue Fin- it was OH-SO-YUMMY! I haven't had sushi in some time now and man it was worth the wait. Oh, and who knew GG was such a spinach fiend? She probably scarfed down like a full cup of greens. Oh, and edamame was a fave for her too. Here are some pics I wanted to share from last night.

It was a great night. Tia Sonia, Leanna, Tia Annie, Tio Richard, Andrew, Krystal, Baby Guy, and of course The Blah Blah "Nana" came to celebrate! Thanks to Krystal & Drew for the awesome ticket to a great show!!! :o)

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

A Big Day

Well, GG is napping and I probably won't see her again for another 5 or 6 hours. That will probably be the longest time ever since she's been born. Actually, I'll probably go take one-more-peek before I leave. ;o) Today is my first day of work. I'm not so nervous about work. I'm much more nervous about not being with GG all day. Everyday I get to be there, to hug, to love, to smile back, to care for, to give kisses...and today I'll be in another town...with GG on my mind all day long! But I know she'll (I'll) be fine. I'm excited about going to work and getting started. I've been at the same church for 5 years or so and I'm really comfortable there so I know I'll be fine. I already know what I'm doing today and organizing is my forte' so it'll be great. That, and meetings. Then...home to GG, dinner...and off to school. Wow, a busy day for The Blah Blah Momma today.

Oh.....and its my birthday today. :o) shhHhHhh....


Saturday, August 2, 2008

It's Signing Time!

I've had the Signing Time theme song lyrics in my head all day. "It's signing time with Alex & Leah...." We received the DVD we got from I thought its a nice time to share what little signs GG can do. She started with "more" at 7 months and now has picked up these others at 9 months. Here is the list:

  • Eat
  • Bye-Bye
  • Bath
  • Drink
  • More
  • Dog
  • Play
  • All done

Friday, August 1, 2008

Beach Day & an annoucement....

Today was quite a day. Our wonderful plan was to go the beach. Well...I'll only give you the highlights:

  •  3 screaming babies in unison in the car.
  • Situating a gazillion things into the car with 3 mommies and 3 babies.
  • shaking steering wheel (apparently brakes needs some work) on the scary road to the beach..
  • Calling AAA to fix the tire just to find they couldn't get to the new tire
  • paying for parking for the wrong beach- no refund.
  • carrying WAY too much stuff with babies in tow on the hot sand
  • Oh, and....the sand.
LOL, quite a day. However once we sat down it was quite pleasant. The babies had a wonderful time. It was GG's first trip to the beach besides on vacation in Oahu, HI. (miss that place...*sigh*)

Okay- so. For the big news. Weeeellllll......I got a job!! You're lookin' at the new Children's minister at my church! I couldn't be more blessed. I'm just ecstatic. I'm looking forward to this so much. Although- I'm a little sad. It hasn't hit me that I will be spending less time with my darling daughter. However the hours are COMPLETELY flexible and I will do my best to be with her and continue to breastfeed for as long as possible. Whew- I'm going to be working 24 hours a week and also taking 15 units this semester! Pray for me! I know I can do this.