Wow, GG is almost 2. Less than two weeks away actually. She is becoming a little person right before my eyes...and she is one feisty mamasita. These past two years have flown by and I am amazed at how our lives have changed since day one. I remember her being so tiny, and me feeling so "new" at the mom thing. I am totally a mommy now and it blows me away. My life is so full with her in it and I love that little munchkin more than my own life.
Work at the church is going well. This summer definitely kept me busy with VBS and all that. It was a total blast, by the way! GG started day care and then I pulled her out, I just can't stand to be away from her for too long. ;) But she will officially be starting preschool very soon!
There is a 'special someone' in my life now, whom I think the world of. I must say I feel incredibly blessed by all of the wonderful people in my life.
And just when I thought a new school was on the horizon, I am back at the JC finishing up my AA in Child Development. I've found that no matter where I end up in life, I will always find joy in working with children. So, there it is. After this semester I'll be done...for now anyhow.
I'll make sure to be back here more changes too quickly.
Monday, September 28, 2009
Well, we've almost hit a two year mark
Posted by Amber at 2:16 PM 1 comments
Friday, April 10, 2009
Long time no type
I was about to send in my resignation letter to blogger and then I realized I love blogging, and won't let a little dry spell make me quit!
The biggest news around these parts is that as of May 1st, GG and I will be moving in to our first place together. Okay...its not a HUGE move. Actually, its on the same property and I'll still be close enough to grab leftovers from mom's house or grandma's house. BUT. It is a place all our own. We can finally begin to feel like our own family.
I think some people don't realize that we are a FAMILY. I'm not just a single mom. I have a family. Its small. But I do have one. And its going to feel great to be in a place all our own.
Other than that awesome news, the semester is almost over. (thank GOD!) and I'm in the process of applying to an online Christian University. Its actually where I started (at the traditional undergrad) and then went back to the JC to finish up some stuff, now I'll be completing my degree online throught their School of Professional Studies. I have to say, I'm so STOKED. Its going to be great to be able to have a more open schedule and spend more time with my Gorgeous Girl. <3
I'm excited about the future.
Posted by Amber at 11:58 PM 1 comments
Friday, February 6, 2009
Ah, its been forever.
My dear blog friends. I'm so sorry to say I haven't updated my little bloggy in so long! Here's a quick update.
Life is Amazing.
GG has 2 more teeth.
GG says between 20-30 words now.
We have entered the world of cloth diapering. (its a blast, I'll post later about that!)
Spring Semester is in full bloom!
GG and I getting ready to leave to go to MOPs today. Its our first meeting of the semester and we haven't been since she was like 7 months old! Can you believe she is almost 7 months old? I can't. I BLOWS my mind. Today we are going to MOPs with A&C and GG's two boyfriends. ;) The two brothers will have a tough time fighting over this child in the future, I think. ;)
As for the life of a single has its moments. I've been really busy with the ministry at the church and God is doing a lot of great things there. I am so blessed to have such an amazing job! But its work. Lots of it! School is great, this semester I'm taking Literature, Math (Ugh!) and Political Systems....(ugh!).
Well, GG is tearing up my room while I type, so I better run. Here's a pic in the meantime!
Posted by Amber at 8:12 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
My Dear Friend
Just one tear.
I struggle to preserve the memory.
But I remember you. I remember us.
Sippin' coffee over lined paper and books.
You were there for me and I loved you.
I bet you didn't know that, but I did.
I'd do anything to be there again, with you.
Your voice soothes my soul.
I can still feel the warmth of your arms wrapped tightly around me.
I took you for granted…and now you are gone.
I don't even know if I will ever see you again.
I miss you.
Make me smile again
Make me laugh out loud
Be that light for me again.
I never knew my life would change so much
And I never knew I'd miss you like this.
I'm sure you have this affect on most people you influence…
But we were great friends, and I loved you.
I know you didn't know that, but I did.
If I could go back I wouldn't.
The only thing I can do is shed one tear for us.
The time in our life when you were my true love.
I never told you that, but you were.
The time wasn't right.
The friendship was there, but the time wasn't right.
I doubt we'll meet again…
But I want you to know, I loved you.
Posted by Amber at 11:56 PM 0 comments