Wednesday, October 22, 2008


I am *supposed* to be writing an argumentative essay right now. You know what is the funny thing? Its about how the internet (however helpful) can cause problems ie: internet addiction, NOT GETTING THINGS DONE WHEN YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO, etc. etc....

I suppose I am speaking from real-life experience here. ;o) I am so unfocused. School work is piling up. I mean, literally piling up. On my desk, in my car, in my bags....I can't keep up. I took a test for my Astronomy class on Monday and I'll be happy if I get a 'C'. Really though, thats all I want. I'm no longer out there looking for the thrill of an 'A'. I just want to pass. Pass and be done. 15 units is just insane when you have work and baby. I don't know what I'd do without my mom helping me out with GG. However pesimistic this post sounds- I totally am going to pass all of my classes...I'm so just so behind right now that its hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel. I feel like I work on homework all day and at the end of the day- I'm still not done and I'm still behind. *sigh*'s a pic of my sweetie girl because she makes me less stressed. (except for those moments when she is throwing herself down on the ground and frowning at